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This is not your Momma's book club (unless she wants to join too).


We're open to men and women of all ages and walks of life (for those sci-fi fans out there insert your favorite nerdy quip here). We meet once a month to stuff our faces over brunch and have an open discussion about the chosen book of the month.


Simply put, each month we'll bring you a brand-spankin'-new book, which will be pulled from a variety of genres (historical fiction, travel narratives, mystery... just in case you needed actual genres listed for you) and we'll dine at a freshly-picked brunch joint.


Brilliant Books & Bitchin' Brunch was created out of the lack of availability of a super spectacular book club in the Boston area. Our mission is to come together and be able to express our thoughts and opinions about what we read without being judged (seriously) or childishly giggled at (we're all adults here, okay?). But we will laugh at you from what ensues after one-too-many mimosas.

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